Jade Empire Best Weapon Style

This mod started out as a compilation of all those other mods that add new styles to Jade Empire. Eventually I figured out how to add styles myself and added a few more. All in all there's around 40 styles now. 50 if you count weapon upgrades as well. Quite a lot of styles have been modified. Some have been re-balanced. To others I've added new. To prove dear old dad wrong, Tang used these axes to cut off the old man's head) is, apparently, often regarded as one of the best weapon styles in Jade Empire, as it has excellent damage output and reach. I don't remember if I've ever actually used these things myself, but I'll show them off once I've added those extra skill points in the editor. This is one of the new Martial styles my mod adds to Jade Empire. It's not entirely new, of course. You will find yourself at the wrong end of its blows many.

  1. Best Weapon In The World
  2. Jade Empire Best Weapon Styles
  3. Jade Empire Best Weapon Style
  4. Best Gun
  1. Fighting styles are the varied forms of combat used in Jade Empire. Your opponents will use a dizzying variety of styles, from the wild punches of a tavern brawler to the studied blocks of a master. Each style has advantages and drawbacks, and each represents a particular school of martial discipline. As a respected master, you have the chance to learn many styles and are not restricted to one.
  2. 'It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.' Indiana Jonessrc Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Junior was an American archaeologist most famously known as Indiana Jones or Indy. During World War I, he used the name Henri Defense, and went by a number of aliases throughout his life. He was married at least twice, fathered a son and daughter, and had several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Part 28: Golden Phoenix

Episode 26: Golden Phoenix
Last time, we won the Silver Division championship at the Imperial Arena and earned the favor of the Lotus Assassin Executioners. That means we have done more than enough to progress the main plot, but obviously we're not leaving the arena until we become the grand champion. That means working our way through the Gold Division, so let's get on with it.
Well, first we're gonna have to talk to Whirlwind some more. Maybe he's got more to say about his brother Raging Ox who, as you may remember, joined up with Kai Lan the Serpent many years ago and died via Whirlwind's axes (seemingly by accident, as Whirlwind was aiming for the Serpent and Raging Ox was protecting his boss).
Whirlwind doesn't have anything more to say on that subject, but instead he'll regale us with more tales of his exploits. Since this one is about clearing rats from a monastery, I expect at least sixty people died in the process somehow.
I convinced the monks to give me some of their sacred wine, and I filled the sacred pools. I figured if I could get the rats drunk they'd be so much easier to catch.
Seems like a solid enough plan thus far, at least for Whirlwind.
It was just the rats. The poor furry buggers were just trying to get warm near the monk's fires after their swim in the wine! Not a good combination!
I mentioned there being some facial expressions that are only seen a few times, and here's one of them. Appropriately enough, your character usually makes this face while listening to Whirlwind's stories.
Right. I suppose that was surprisingly tame by Whirlwind's usual standards. We'll come back to him later, but I think at this point we should go meet up with Iron Soldier and ask him how it feels to be a former champion.
Yep! I'm glad he noticed!
Don't think that I'm going to forget that *you* were the one to take my division from me.
Can't wait. Maybe next time he can even get a couple of hits in.
Do you actually need anything or are you just there to flap your gums?
Nope, I'm good.
We only taunt our opponents after we've won, and even then it's only if they're assholes like Soldier. That said, having a chat with our next opponent might be a good plan, so we'll go see what the three guys in the other corner have to say.
Err, okay then.
You have come far in a short time. We have been watching you with keen interest.
These gentlemen are the brothers Sung. We could ask them to tell us more about themselves, but it's not that important since Qui the Promoter can give us the short version. Let's just leave them for now and go ask Qui about the champion of this division.
I want to hear your thoughts on the Sung brothers.
They're an odd triptuplet if you ask me. They were three of the best individual fighters to participate in the arena, but things changed after they fought together against the Ravager and lost. They're sort of a buffer: If the three of them together couldn't match the Ravager, only someone who can face all three will stand a chance against him. It cuts down on the number of injuries at the Ravager's hands. If you want to know more about them, you can ask the brothers themselves.
Tell me about the Ravager.
The crowd loves to hate him. He's vicious, he never talks, and he has no interest in the fans, but when he fights he's unstoppable. Right now, almost no one will face him, so it's rare that the Ravager steps into the ring. It's for the better I think. He tends to cripple people, despite the protective magic of this place.
That's something to look forward to, then. I'd really like to know how these protective enchantments actually work, because they can't neutralize poison nor do they seem to stop the Ravager from causing serious injuries. So even though you don't die instantly when the Ravager crushes every bone in your body, you'll still feel the effects.
Your first match will be a rare challenge. There is a style that was banned from the tournament combat five centuries ago. You will face the Phoenix Unity style.
What's so special about this style?
That is something best discovered for yourself. Suffice it to say that if you stand against it, the battle will be memorable.
If the style was banned, why am I facing it?
I do not believe in outdated prohabitations. As you may see, this style is not 'fair' for single combat, but it is a fair test of a master warrior‘s abilities.
I thought Kai Lan the Serpent was the only one setting up dubious matches for us, but between this and the aptly named Pit of Pain I'm starting to wonder if Qui is all that much better. To be quite honest, I doubt this will be nearly as unpleasant as the Pit of Pain.
Let's go
Time to see what this Phoenix Unity is all about.
So far I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary, just some lady who fights with dual swords and Viper.
As you might expect, we make quick work of her. Surely there must be more to this?
Oh. Oh. Now I'm starting to get what the big deal is.
She probably shouldn't be standing at this point, but whatever.
Welp, time for round 2. This is not a Zelda miniboss fight, so there is no special trick to it. We don't need to find the 'real' Phoenix Assassin and beat her, all six of them are equally real as far as the game is concerned and we need to take all of them out.
Fortunately for us, they like to make it quite easy by clustering together, meaning that we can do serious damage to several Assassins at the same time when we swing our sword.
Still want to be careful not to get surrounded, because the Phoenix Assassins can hurt us quite badly if they gang up on us. We have plenty of health and chi so we'll be able to take some hits, but obviously we'd rather avoid that situation.
Once a couple of the Assassins go down, the rest is a breeze.
So much for the Phoenix Unity style. Silver Phoenix needs none of your shadow clones.
That was exactly how I wanted your Gold Division matches to start. You need the people on your side before you can face the Ravager. I was going to do something different, but I've had a request from the Sung brothers. They said that there has been, ah... an affluence of the fates and a... a remergence of the planets.
I hate when that happens. So?
Well, that works out for us.
Because he can't let us fight the Ravager unless he knows we can beat all three of these guys! Pay attention, dammit
Well, at least not before the gong stops ringing, at any rate. The brothers are ready if you are.
Seriously, we went over this five minutes ago. Well, whatever. Time to fight the Sung brothers and see what they're made of.
We've got one brother with dual swords, another with Dire Flame and... I don't know what style the middle one is using. Never seen that before.
According to the wiki, Sung Bo's fighting style is called Monkey Paw. All the information on that wiki page seems to be sourced from the Jade Empire in Style mod, so I'm not sure if the style is actually called that in the game. It's obviously based on monkey-style kung fu (not that you can tell from the screenshots), so Monkey Paw is as good a name as any.
Sung Bo is the first one we take out, because he's the fastest of the three and can do a lot of damage with his monkey style. Sung Bu and his swords are just kind of there, and Sung Sui's fireballs are more a nuisance than anything else.
I don't think Sung Bu is going to appreciate his brother's Dire Flame skills very much after that. Getting enemies to hit each other with friendly fire is always fun.
Sung Bu doesn't last long after that fireball to the face, so now it's time for a magical duel with Sung Sui.
Or he could switch to a spear, that works too. Meanwhile, I decided to try out Stone Immortal, which hasn't been upgraded but is still fairly powerful. It does eat up a lot of chi at this point, though, and having chi strikes active doesn't really help.
I mentioned this when we first learned Stone Immortal, but the basic attack is more or less just throwing rocks at the opponent and it's not very exciting.
But of course, we can now do the same thing as those elephant demons!
Not that it helps us here, because opponents at the arena seem to automatically dodge this area attack every single time.
Better do this the old-fashioned way, then.
Defeating their combinated might has impressed the crowd immensely.
If the crowd loved it so much, I think we deserve a raise. Surely this time he'll agree.
Can't break the rules to give us a bit of extra cash, but booking us in matches against opponents using banned styles is totally fine?
Well, up yours then, Qui.
To be fair, 1250 silver from that fight isn't that bad. Let's hear from our opponents and find out what they thought of that last match.
While the match invited the toothless donkey of unhappiness to our stable, we still praise your skills.

Best Weapon In The World

We don't have a stable! That donkey's going to get cold!
I'm sure the donkey will be fine, brother, or, at least, justifiably unhappy instead of randomly petulant.
I think Sung Bu may have taken a few too many knocks to the head over his career. Well, never mind that. Qui, what have you got for us?
I'm going to hold an event so huge that it will rock the reaches of the Empire: the Imperial Engagement. The arena turns upon you.
What, like the Pit of Pain?
Empire You must stand against them all, and when you do, your right to challenge the Ravager will be indisputable.
Oh, well, that's not so terrible. Bring it on.
Soldier thinks he might have a chance against us when he's got a bunch of other folks helping him. He still won't, of course, but I can see why he'd think that way.
How does this fight work?
The concept is simple enough. If you can defeat your foe with exceptious alacricity, then you have a moment to collect yourself. If you tarry, then you will be swamped.
How many opponents will I have to face?
You will be facing all the champions you have dealt with already, and more.
Well, all the champions aside from Crimson Khana, because depending on your choices she either went back home or is extremely dead.

Jade Empire Best Weapon Styles

Are you ready for me to finish the arrangements? If so, we'll get everyone set up.
This should be interesting.
Another ogre? Well, they're easing us into this, I guess.
Here's how the Imperial Engagement works, then. We start off against this ogre, and we've got ten seconds until the next opponent comes in. Opponents will enter every ten seconds until we've gone through the whole roster. Since we obviously don't have much time to mess around here, I'm not going to do anything silly with Mirabelle or anything like that, I'll just use my most powerful style which is the Dragon Sword.
Down goes the ogre, and we have five seconds to spare. Not too bad of a start, although beating the ogre in that time isn't really that much of an accomplishment.
Hapless Han is the next to enter, and he manages to last the full ten seconds.
Okay then, now we're getting something a bit more challenging. We can handle the toad demon just fine, but doing it in ten seconds might not be the easiest feat and we should make sure we don't waste too much chi or focus on him.
We defeat the toad demon just as Iron Soldier enters. There is a few seconds between the timer running out and the next opponent actually showing up, so it's more like 15 seconds or so between opponents.
Soldier is easily dispatched and is nice enough to drop a chi pickup. Let's see who's next in line for a beating.
Well, this is going to suck.
I dodged that! Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I've never tried to block an area attack. I rarely block in general unless I'm fighting Lost Spirits. My extensive research (30 seconds on Google) indicates area attacks can in fact be blocked and I just never thought to do so because blocking is so slow and useless 99% of the time.
will you please stop doing that
Eventually, the elephant demon falls and blocks our view of the next opponent. Let's find out who it is!
Right, it's Sung Bo and his weird glowy monkey style. We're getting a bit low on chi and focus thanks to our pachyderm pal over there, but we defeated the Sung brothers once already and we can do it again.
Sung Bo does a ton of damage if you give him the chance. That chunk from our health meter disappeared in about a second, as he got one combo in.
He also tries to heal on occasion, but we're not having any of that. Sung Bo goes down while we're waiting for the next opponent to make his entrance, and it's obviously going to be one of the remaining Sung brothers unless the arena throws us a real curveball.
It's Sung Bu, the dumb brute of the trio. I find him to be the least dangerous of the brothers, as he doesn't have any special tricks up his sleeve and just prefers to go full with his swords. Obviously, we still don't want him to hit us with those things.
Down he goes, and Sung Sui hasn't even entered yet. Should be smooth sailing from here on out, one Sung brother does not pose much of a threat to us at this stage. We are still kinda low on focus and chi, but we'll manage.
Sung Bu was courteous enough to drop a small focus pickup, which makes our job just a bit easier. His brother starts off with Dire Flame, as before.
Let's fight fire with, uh, fire then, at least until we start to get low on chi.
The Dire Flame area attack is incredibly easy to dodge when we have this much open space to work with, and Sung Sui leaves himself open for our strong fireball in the process.
I decide to leave the rest of our chi for healing in case we need it, so we'll finish this fight with Leaping Tiger.
Huh, that's it? I kinda expected them to roll out some enemies we haven't seen before, but the Imperial Engagement really is just a gauntlet match against most of the arena opponents we've already fought.
The crowd loves you, and you have proven yourself enough in my eyes. No other fighter stands a chance against the Ravager. But you must think of your safety. The Ravager strikes with such power that even the wards of this arena may not be enough to save you.
No one knows. His strength is almost inhuman, but we are sure he's no demon. Your match could end in death. It almost happened when Sung Bu faced him alone, and he was the last opponent to tackle the champion alone. The Ravager grows more fierce with each fight, as if time were making him stronger. If you face him, we may not be able to end the match in time.
If we're strong enough to beat the arena's entire roster of fighters and a bunch of demons, I think we might have a shot against the Ravager. Let's go.
He's always ready.
Since this is the big championship match, we get the elaborate main event entrance again. It's the same as before, except of course our opponent is different.
Welp, here's the man himself. We saw him earlier, of course, in Kai Lan's office.
That is an accident waiting to happen.
The Ravager is still taking things rather calmly. If I didn't know better, I'd think he doesn't even know what's going on around him. Meanwhile, Kai Lan is being his usual smug self in the Ravager's corner.
Oh, what is it now?
Well then, I guess we're no longer Kai Lan's favorite prospect.
I thought the Ravager was always ready for a fight, but Kai Lan apparently doesn't agree and wants to call off the match since we're not worthy.
Crowd:Empire Phoenix. Phoenix. Phoenix.
This chant, by the way, is hilarious. It sounds like they got about six guys chanting whatever ring name you picked, and it's the most unenthusiastic thing ever. Sure, the crowd here isn't exactly in the thousands, but the chant still shouldn't be that wimpy.
Kai Lan still isn't impressed. Can't really blame him in this case.
Crowd: Phoenix. Phoenix.
You have spoken, and I have heard. Your will be done! I give you... THE RAVAGER!
Here he is, in all his yellow and orange glory. Let's just take things slow at first and see what the Ravager can do.
Well, first off, he fights with dual axes. This is very similar to the style used by the Black Whirlwind, but is actually a different one.
That was a bit close. Getting hit by those axes of his is probably best avoided.
The Ravager is also surprisingly agile for such a big guy.
He also really likes using area attacks. Since we clearly don't want to get close to this jerk, let's give Dire Flame a shot.
Qui lied to us! He said the Ravager is not a demon! Yet, the Ravager is immune to magic styles, which means he's 100% a demon! Only demons are immune to magic. Well, I guess clay golems are too, but I don't think he's one of those.
Well, fine. Let's just use our sword, then. The Ravager has a ton of health, as you might expect from such an opponent.
There's an attack we're definitely going to want to avoid.
Even his regular attacks aren't exactly weak, that axe combo of his does a whole bunch of damage. Still, that is something we should be able to manage without too much trouble. This fight is incredibly annoying for a whole other reason.
When I said the Ravager really likes area attacks, I meant he really, REALLY likes them. He uses them every time you get anywhere near him. I had 17 screenshots of the Ravager doing an area attack in this fight, and I'm pretty sure there was at least one more in the video footage. Now, like I found out while putting together this update, area attacks can be blocked, but with the Ravager they come out so quickly that you probably don't have the opportunity to block anyway.
Oh, and he heals himself when he knocks you down. Not every time, thankfully, but even once is enough for me.
Naturally, the Ravager is immune to our area attacks (doesn't even need to block) and retaliates with yet another one of his own when I try one on him. At least they don't do any damage.
There we go, he's almost finished. Just a couple more hits should...
Okay, now he's done.
As soon as we land the finishing blow, the game fades to black.
We managed to knock the Ravager's mask off to reveal... uh... a guy with a mustache and a terribly receding hairline? If you've been paying attention, you can probably figure out who this is, but we've never seen his face before now.
Kai Lan the Serpent and Qui the Promoter show up to, hopefully, crown us the Gold Division champion, although I doubt Kai Lan's going to hand us the title that easily.
Finally, Whirlwind hops the barricade and runs to... not us or Kai Lan, but the Ravager.
If the Ravager's fighting style or Whirlwind's behavior in that cutscene weren't big enough clues, there it is. The Ravager is Raging Ox, the Black Whirlwind's brother.
And so the Ravager was born. The perfect, unquestioning enforcer of my will, and I owe it all to you, Whirlwind.
Kai Lan somehow used his sorcery to reanimate Raging Ox and turn him into his undead enforcer. How exactly he pulled that off is not clear, but there it is.
The Ravager is still down from the fight, but is starting to come to. Of course, it's doubtful he has any of his senses left at this point. He's no longer Raging Ox, just a mindless thrall doing the Serpent's bidding.
Whirlwind cuts down what was once his brother, possibly letting his spirit pass on (I guess the protective enchantments were disabled after the fight). At the very least, Raging Ox is no longer bound to Kai Lan.
For a brief moment, we can see an expression of sorrow and, most likely, regret on the face of the Black Whirlwind.
It almost immediately turns into anger.
I invoke the right of challenge! As an ex-champion, I will return and stake my claim upon this place. Tradition supports my right to this!
Of course, Kai Lan doesn't know when to quit. He is still desperate to stop Wu from becoming the champion, and will do anything to achieve that goal.
So, stripling, what do you say? Are you prepared to suffer at my hands, or will you walk away and die the tenfold deaths of the coward?
Well, if he insists, we can take him down just like we did his enforcer.
All you are, magician, is MINE!
I don't think anyone asked for Kai Lan's opinion.
I mean, this is true, but we'll still let Whirlwind do his thing.
Then Black Whirlwind will have his vengeance.
Preposterous. This oaf can't fight for you.
They do have the right, Serpent. You substituted the demon in place of one of your Guild men. You set the precedent yourself.
Let's get this over with as soon as we can.
Do you know how many rules and regulations that breaks? It's a mockery of the entire arena, and Kai Lan and his thugs are to blame! But you... you can stop him. I need you to see this through to the end. I need that man stopped before he destroys a thousand years of tradification!
Did none of you guys ever begin to wonder why your champion fought exactly like Raging Ox and looked like his reanimated corpse wearing a mask? I know necromancy isn't exactly a commonly used form of magic around here, but you'd think someone at some point might have gotten curious even if you couldn't really ask anybody about this kind of thing with Kai Lan around. The reason we're glowing in this screenshot is that we learned a new style from the Ravager fight.
That is, we can now use his axes. Tang's Vengeance (named after Tang the Merciless, who tried to become Emperor after the previous one died without an heir, but was betrayed by his father who thought Tang was too violent to rule the Jade Empire. To prove dear old dad wrong, Tang used these axes to cut off the old man's head) is, apparently, often regarded as one of the best weapon styles in Jade Empire, as it has excellent damage output and reach. I don't remember if I've ever actually used these things myself, but I'll show them off once I've added those extra skill points in the editor.
You'd think we'd have won the championship by defeating the Ravager. That isn't the case, though, because as we saw we won't be recognized as the arena champion unless we beat up Kai Lan first. Of course, Kai Lan does actually run the joint, so if he says we're not the champion we will not be the champion until we do something about him.
All right then, let's see what the Black Whirlwind can do now that he is being controlled by a terrible player instead of terrible AI.
The Black Whirlwind's dual axe style is called 'The Twins' and I remembered it being... not that great, but it actually is rather powerful and surprisingly fast too. I slightly dreaded playing as Whirlwind in general because he doesn't have a huge amount of chi to work with and has no focus whatsoever, but it turns out you can get surprisingly far by just spamming his basic A button combo.
Kai Lan is not a massively difficult opponent. He uses Viper and a couple of magic styles, and is also immune to area attacks because of course he is.
He likes to use area attacks of his own, but thankfully doesn't spam them quite as much as the Ravager did. I'm not sure which style's area attack this is.
Once Kai Lan's health gets low enough, he switches tactics and enters Channeling status to summon two horse demons. Kai Lan is invulnerable while channeling, so all we can do at the moment is take out the demons.
These are just standard horse demons, so the usual tactics apply.
Of course, they also explode on death just as before.
Now that the horse demons have been put down, it's time to fight the man himself once more. He's healed himself to full, which is a bit annoying but nothing a couple of axe swings to the face won't fix.
Spamming Whirlwind's combo fast enough will stunlock Kai Lan.
Eventually, we manage to whittle away Kai Lan's health.
Kai Lan's got no more dirty tricks up his sleeve, so down goes the Serpent. The Black Whirlwind has his vengeance, and Wu is now the grand champion.
I wish that I had another dozen fighters who could rise through the ranks with your alacricity! I will not dishonor you with a pairing to those who cannot match your skill. In time someone will come along, but I suspect your equal will not be manifestering any time soon.
Should anyone appear to challenge you, I will let you know, but until then rest yourself. You've earned it!
Spoiler: Nobody will appear to challenge us, so we are officially done with the arena fights. The Superior Warrior Gem seems like a rather disappointing reward for all of that work because we already have two of these things, but it's actually not the real reward. That'll come next, as Sweet Poison Lyn shows up to extend her congratulations on behalf of the Guild.
His power ran deep. He would have taken our organization even further down Gao the Greater's path had word of a new contestant not reached us.
That top dialog option is incredibly dumb. Kai Lan was an evil asshole and we're better off without him, and if he had lived he'd ended up in charge of the Guild and made them worse. Sure, they are still a criminal organization and a major one at that, but right now they're just kinda there and don't bother us except when some jerk like Gao or Kai Lan decides to act on his own. That alliance with the Lotus Assassins was all Gao's doing.
Let us just say that cooler heads prevail. The current sentiment in the Guild is that the Lotus Assassins have become more trouble than our alliance with them is worth. Thus we propose a truce. Your feud, or whatever it was, with Kai Lan died with him. The Guild will not trouble you or this place if you will not trouble us.
We don't particularly care for the Guild, but we also don't want them pissed off at us so we'll just agree to the truce. We could demand payment, but Sweet Poison Lyn has something much better to offer us.

Jade Empire Best Weapon Style

In observing Kai Lan, I had no choice but to watch the fights of Silver Phoenix. It was the most enjoyable aspect of the assignment. Your skills are amazing. We will *not* speak of this again. Consider me nothing more than Sweet Poison Lyn from this point on.
This is what we get for never losing a fight at the arena. If you do lose a round at some point, you'll still receive a technique from Sweet Poison Lyn but it's obviously not as good.
We also get the last Iron Palm scroll and learn the style. I can't say I'm a big fan of Iron Palm, so even though I will show it off soon enough I won't be actually using it that much.
Oh, and here's what The Perfected Warrior does. +15 to Health and Focus is a solid upgrade.
Before we leave, we can chat with our fellow fighters one last time and bask in their admiration. Oh, and rub our victory in Iron Soldier's face just because.
No, your skills will just waste away with no challenges. I wonder if it'll be me, the Sung brothers, or some other upstart who brings you down.
We have plenty of challenges ahead of us so we really won't have time to get rusty, no matter how much Iron Soldier might wish for that. Oh yeah, at this point we can also access Kai Lan's office and ransack it, but I forgot to do that until a bit later.
And with that, we are out of here. We're not quite finished with the Imperial City sidequests, though, so we'll take care of all that business before we head to the Lotus Assassins' fortress.

Best Gun


Fighting Styles

Martial Styles

Legendary Strike
The most basic yet not-so common of all fighting styles is the Legendary Strike style set. The best thing about this style is that it is very bare-knuckles Martial Arts fighting. You have a moderate speed to rip through enemies quickly, yet efficiently. Legendary Strike does well in the damage department, to boot, and you will very easily beat the competition in the ol' patience game. You can easily outlast your opponent using Legendary Strike.

Thousand Cuts
Thousand Cuts is widely regarded as the thieves' Martial style, as it is extremely quick in speed and very blunt with the punches that are thrown. Thousand Cuts is not by any means a powerful Martial style, however, it is a decent starting Martial style to give you tons of diversity early on in the game, as you can purchase and learn other styles as you progress.

Leaping Tiger
The Leaping Tiger Martial style is one of the fastest styles in the entire game, whether it is Martial style or any other kind of style. Due to this, the Leaping Tiger is a very nice varied style to use if you're at a loss of what to master next. It does not, however, provide as powerful of a punch as the likes of Legendary Strike. Regardless, if you're looking for a great alternative to Thousand Cuts, Leaping Tiger is definitely your choice.

White Demon
The White Demon Martial style is the most powerful Martial style in the game. The main problem being that with power, you lose speed. Due to this, the White Demon Martial style also happens to be one of the slowest styles in the game. It all comes down to planning your attacks way ahead of time. If you feel that you can actually master this style, then you likely can. It's not entirely too hard to figure out what to do with it, but it is hard to correctly nail your timing.


Drunken Master
You can only use the very awesome, very drunken Martial style of Drunken Master when you have the master chef/master fighter Henpecked Hou in your party. Check the Followers section for information on Henpecked Hou. Unlock other Followers, Henpecked Hou cannot fight the enemies around you, but he will toss out wine bottles for you to get drunk off of. Drunken Master is great for tactical battles where you must time your attacks. It is not, however, great for fast-paced battles.

Support Styles

Heavenly Wave
Heavenly Wave is a support style that can be connected with a Martial style to complete a Harmonic Combo. Heavenly Wave is highly heavenly when used against common criminals and such, and somewhat effective against bigger enemies.

Spirit Thief
Hui the Brave will teach you this wondrous technical support style once you have helped her at the beginning of Chapter 2. The tough part about fighting in long, drawn out bouts is the fact that you simply run out of Chi entirely too soon. With Spirit Thief, you can quickly transfer your enemies' spirit to your own, giving you more Chi as you go along. You will happily be able to drain Chi and use it, but this style is extremely sluggish and does minimal damage compared to a lot of other styles. Be careful when spreading the love.

Paralyzing Palm
This support style can be obtained by completing your Sidequest against Smiling Mountain in the Black Leopard School in Chapter 3. The Paralyzing Palm is a very rare and distinguished Support style that can cause your opponents to go completely paralyzed for a long amount of time. This is the good news; the bad news is that your attacks will be incredibly slow as you use this style. It's extremely important that you dump a lot of style points into speed here.

Storm Dragon
The Storm Dragon Support style is the ideal Support style to begin with, as you will have to learn and master switching in and out of combination styles to create Harmonic Combos. Due to the sluggish nature of the style, you will do little damage with your lightning attacks in comparison with the amount of time it takes to attack. When put together in a Harmonic Combo, however, look out! This one could get deadly.

Hidden Fist
Hidden Fist is an earth-based attack that will completely crush your opponent, if you know what you're doing when you have multiple opponents near. Like all other Support styles, you will have to think ahead of time due to the slow delivery of the style itself. The area of effect attack is very powerful, as it causes an earthquake to roam through the area and disrupt everything that is near.

Weapon Styles

Fortune's Favorite
At the beginning of Chapter 1, you will receive one of two legendary weapons of your choice. You cannot have both of them throughout the game, so the weapon that you decide to take will certainly change how you battle throughout the entire game. Fortune's Favorite is certainly short range compared to the legendary staff weapon, however you can attack more swiftly and just as powerfully, if not more. Being a lovely decent-sized sword, we thoroughly recommend this choice, as it is lovely in close combat.

Golden Star
The Golden Star is one of two legendary weapons that you can choose near the start of the first Chapter in the game, leaving you to question yourself: do you prefer sword fights, or staff sweeps? The Golden Star is one completely gnarly staff; it has a long range and can easily sweep the feet from the floor (figurative sense). You will have an excellent range of attack, although you will move a lot slower than the short-ranged Fortune's Favorite, the legendary sword option. The choice is yours, but please remember that you cannot choose both!

Tien's Justice
This weapon style can be purchased while you visit Tien's Landing and rid the ghosts along the forest path. Tien's Justice is the longest staff in the entire game, giving it a distinct advantage over the common weapon style. As far as staves go, you can get no longer in reach, and it shares many of the stats of the Golden Star. The only disadvantage to swapping the two weapons is your waste of attribute points that you have likely dumped into the Golden Star.

Crimson Tears / Eyes Of The Dragon
These dual sabers are certainly no laughing matter, and this very rare and very deadly style can only be taught by the Bronze class champion in Chapter 3's Imperial Arena, Crimson Khana. You must choose not to poison her before the bout, and tell her of the poison plot. After you have defeated her fair and square, she will explain how to use this lovely, powerful style. This is a very fast and cunning Weapons style to use, as you can easily rack up fast combos with precision and elegance. This is a very nice style to have by your side. The Eyes of the Dragon are also dual sabers with nearly the same attack pattern.

Oh, what a wondrous beauty! Mirabelle is the prized possession of the British fellow that sounds remarkably like John Cleese in Chapter 3. You will have to defeat him in order to obtain it, which is an accomplishment in itself. Mirabelle is a hunting rifle that will do extreme amounts of damage upon impact. The main problem with this weapon is that if you are facing an extremely sly and quick enemy, you will likely miss your shot. You will not want to be interrupted whilst aiming, either, as you must start over with your shot.

Tang's Vengeance
If you are looking for the slowest of all of the Weapons styles in the entire game, you should look no further. Tang's Vengeance is certainly a force to be reckoned with, as it will certainly tear your opponents to little bits and pieces. While it may seem awkward to control, once you have the correct timing down pat, you can easily roar through the air with these dual axes and smash your opponent(s) with a very high damage ratio. This is a simple case of tough to master, but worthy of the effort.

Magic Styles

Dire Flame
You can choose between Dire Flame and Ice Shard in the first Chapter of the game. You can only have one of the two Magic styles. You will throw balls of fire from the palm of your hands when you use this Magic style, and you can easily burn down Ogres with their furry bodies in a few fireballs. This style works very well against enemies that appear in furry form. You cannot use Magic against demons.

Ice Shard
You can choose between Ice Shard and Dire Flame in the first Chapter of the game. You can only have one of the two Magic styles. You will shoot shards of ice sickles from wrists to freeze and immobilize your enemies. This is a very well-rounded magic type that works well against practically any type of foe, with the exception of demons, which are immune to magic. You can use this on a big crowd of enemies for excellent crowd control.

Stone Immortal
In Chapter 2, you can choose to walk the path of the Open Palm to a heavy degree, or walk the path of the Closed Fist to a heavy degree. If you walk the path of the Open Palm, speak with Mistress Vo to receive her special training and obtain the Stone Immortal Magic Style. You will literally have the power of earth right in the palm of your hand. This is a great style to have due to the excellent area effect burst. Use a solid Chi blast to engulf the enemies around your target in the power of mother earth.

In Chapter 2, you can choose to walk the path of the Closed Fist to a heavy degree, or walk the path of the Open Palm to a heavy degree. If you walk the path of the Closed Fist, speak with Jian to receive his special training and obtain the Tempest Magic Style. This will give you complete control over Mother Nature in her prime state: the power of the baleful gusts. Much like Stone Immortal, this has excellent crowd control. If you're going down the dark road, you'll need the Tempest magic style with you on your journey.

Transformation Styles

Toad Demon
Upon defeating your first Toad Demon in the game during Chapter 1, you will obtain the Toad Demon Transformation style. When you equip this style, you will transform into a large toad that is completely immune to magic. All of your attacks will do heavy, heavy damage with additional poison effects to wither away your opponent's health bar. You should definitely equip the Toad Demon style when dealing with the earlier bosses in the game, as you can claw right through them fairly easily.

Horse Demon
You will find the Horse Demon Transformation Style during Chapter 2 in your first trip to Heaven after killing your first Horse Demon. Much like the Toad Demon style, you will be completely immune to all types of magical attacks while you are transformed. While the Toad Demon style poisons, the Horse Demon style will immobilize all of your enemies with a powerful area of effect attack.

Jade Golem
The 'boss' of all other golems, the Jade Golem will be the most powerful of any style in the entire game. In other words, if you're having trouble killing one of the more complicated bosses in the game, just simply switch to the Jade Golem and get prepared to absolutely slaughter the poor guy or gal (or it, for that matter). The major downside is the fact that your attacks as the Jade Golem are very incredibly slow, so be patient and watch for openings before your transformation ends.

Red Minister
The best thing about the Red Minister Transformation style is the fact that, while the previous two transformation styles have enfeebling magic within their attacks, the Red Minister Transformation style comes fully equip with health and Chi draining abilities, allowing you to literally eat your opponent's soul! The major downside to this style compared to the Demon transformations is the pure lack of strength. You will gain his power in Chapter 5.