Pimsleur Italian Transcript

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Pimsleur Italian 1 Scusi. Lei capisce l’inglesi? The transcript could become a crutch. As well, while I’ve done my best to ensure accuracy, I do.

Pimsleur Italian Transcripts

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Pimsleur Irish Transcript
Frustrated at not having a book to accompany your Pimsleur Irish course CDs/tapes?

These transcripts of the Pimsleur Irish language course are meant for the learner who would like to have a list of vocabulary and phrases taught in this course, which provides no written materials. We have not included every phrase in this course, as phrases tend to be repeated or use a form sentence and only change or add a word or two. If you have a question about a specific phrase or word that you do not see listed here, please contact us.
The Pimsleur course is based on the Munster dialect of Irish, and if you choose to continue your studies with another Irish course, some of the vocabulary you would see would be slightly different than what you learn in this course. We have noted some of the differences in the grammar notes, but any futher explanation of some of the phrases in this course would really require further study of the Irish language. If you decide that you prefer to continue with the Munster dialect, we recommend taking courses in the Kerry, Cork or Waterford Gaeltachts, try the new online course at Gaeltalk.net, or find a copy of the circa 1960 edition of 'Teach Yourself Irish' by Myles Dillon & Donncha Ó Cróinín, which is out of print and is not the current edition of Teach Yourself Irish (don't confuse the older TYI with the modern version by Ó Sé & Shiels - the newer edition is NOT Munster Irish).
Our thanks to Antaine for his initial transcripts, to Nicole for additional vocabulary and to Lughaidh for his keen proofreading. If you see any errors or have suggestions which would make this resource more helpful, let us know

Last Revised 14 August 2005

Pimsleur Italian Transcript

Lesson One

Male: Dia dhuit.
Female: Á, an dtuigeann tú Gaelainn?
Male: Ní thuigim.
Female: Tuigeann tú beagán. An Meiriceánach thú?
Male: Is ea.

Vocabulary list

Individual words learned:
Gaelainn = Irish
tuigeann = understand
is eaor'sea = Yes.
tuigim = I understand
beagán = a little
Meiriceánach = American
is = are
Phrases learned:
Dia dhuit = Hello
Tuigeann tú = You understand
Tuigeann tú Gaelainn =You understand Irish
An dtuigeann tú? = Do you understand?
An dtuigeann tú Gaelainn? = Do you understand Irish?
Ní thuigim. = I don't understand. (No.)
Tuigim Gaelainn = I understand Irish
Ní thuigim Gaelainn. = I don't understand Irish.
Tuigim beagán = I understand a little.
Tuigim beagán Gaelainne. = I understand a little Irish.
Is Meiriceánach thú. = You are American.

Grammar notes:

--The word for the Irish language indicated in this course (Gaelainn) is in the Munster dialect. In the Connemara dialect, the word Gaeilge is used. The Ulster dialect uses Gaeilg.
--The phrase for hello (Dia dhuit) literally means 'God to you.' (Dia = God; dhuit = to you)
--This course indicates that An is the word that indicates a question. In addition, verbs that begin with a 't' sound are eclipsed by a 'd' sound when preceded by the question word An. So, the 't' sound at the beginning of tuigeann is changed to a 'd' sound. We keep the t in the spelling and put a d in front of it to indicate that the 'd' sound has eclipsed the 't' sound.
--This course indicates that is the word that indicates negative statement. In addition, verbs that begin with a 't' sound are lenited preceded by the negative word. So, the 't' sound at the beginning of tuigeann is changed to an 'h' sound. We keep the t in the spelling and put an h after it to indicate the lenition.
--Thú is usually the 'object form' of . It's also used when you choose to 'front' another noun (like Meiriceánach) in a sentence using the verb 'Is', thereby placing the pronoun '' in a secondary position.
-- The verb forms and tánn following conas, are forms used colloquially in Munster Irish, but are more correctly rendered atá and atánn when speaking precisely.

Lesson Two


Female: Dia dhuit. An dtuigeann tú Gaelainn?
Male: Beagán.
Female: An Meiriceánach thú?
Male: Is ea.

Vocabulary List:

Individual words learned:
ní hea = No.
conas = How
or tánn = are keeping
táim = I am/I am keeping.
go maith = well.
slán = Goodbye.
mórán = much
Phrases learned:
Gabh mo leithscéal = Excuse me.
Dia 's Muire dhuit = (how to say Hello to someone who has just greeted you)
tánn tu = you are keeping
Conas tánn tú? = How are you? (lit. How are you keeping?)
Go raibh maith agat = Thank you.
Ana-mhaith. = Very well.
Táim go maith. = I am well/I am keeping well.
Ní thuigim mórán. = I don't understand much.
Tuigeann tú go maith. = You understand well.

Grammar notes:

--''Sea', 'Is ea' = 'That is' or 'That's right.' 'Sea is a contraction for 'Is ea,' which is literally 'that is.'
--The phrase to say hello to someone who has just greeted you (Dia's Muire dhuit) literally means 'God and Mary to you.'
--Conas tánn tú? can also be 'Conas taoi?' or 'Conas tá tú?' in Munster Irish; please also note that the forms Conas at
ánn tú, Conas ataoi and conas atá tú are the grammatically correct forms of the same expressions, but the initial unstressed vowel sound is not heard on the Pimsleur recordings. Also please note, outside of southwest Ireland, other (quite different) expressions are used to ask the same question.
--Gabh mo leithscéal can be translated somewhat literally as 'accept my excuse'.
--ana- is always used as a prefix and causes lenition of all lenitable consonants.
--Go raibh maith agat - 'May you have goodness'

Lesson Three


Male: Dia dhuit.
Female: Dia 's Muire dhuit. Conas tánn tu?
Male: Ana-mhaith, go raibh maith agat.
Female: Á, an dtuigeann tú Gaelainn?
Male: Tuigim beagán, ach ní mórán.
Female: An Meiriceánach thú?
Male: Is ea.
Female: Ach tuigeann tú Gaelainn go maith.

Vocabulary List:

Individual words learned:
ach = but
= I/me
Éireannach = Irish
agus = and
tusa = you
Phrases learned:
Is Meiriceánach mé. = I am American.
Is Éireannach mé. = I am Irish.
An Éireannach thú? = Are you Irish?
Ní Éireannach mé. = I am not Irish.
Ní Meiriceánach mé. = I am not American.
Agus tusa? = And you?
Ní Meiriceánach thú. = You are not American.
Ach tuigim Gaelainn. = But I understand Irish.
Ach tuigeann tú Gaelainn. = But you understand Irish
Ní thuigim mórán Gaelainne. = I don't understand much Irish.
le do thoil = please
'Sea, mhuise. = That's for sure.
Dar liomsa tá Gaelainn ana-mhaith agat. = It seems to me that you speak Irish very well.

Grammar notes:

--Is = can also mean 'am'
--Gaelainne is the genitive of Gaelainn. So, when you say 'mórán Gaelainne,' it's literally 'a lot of Irish.' Some Munster speakers pronounce 'nn' like 'ng'.
--le do thoil - with your leave (used in place of 'if you please')
--dar - a defective verb which means 'it seems'. Defective verbs are usually confined to limited usage and may lack certain tenses/moods/conjugations.
--muise - an interjection meaning 'indeed' or 'that's for sure'. Generally lenited (mhuise) in Munster.

Lesson Four


Male: Gabh mo leithscéal. An Éireannach thú?
Female: 'Sea, is Éireannach mé. Agus tusa?
Male: Is Meiriceánach mé.
Female: Ach tuigeann tú Gaelainn!
Male: Ó, beagán. Ní thuigim mórán.
Female: Ní hea. Tuigeann tú go maith.
Male: Go raibh maith agat.

Vocabulary List:

Individual words learned:
agat = at you
= there is
agam = at me
níl = is not
mhór = main
an tsráid = (the) street
= where
bhfuil = is (in questions)
bóthar = road
an bóthar = the road
ard = high
anso = here
= it
= it (feminine)
ansan = there
Phrases learned:
Tá Gaelainn agat = You speak Irish (There is Irish at you/you have
Tá Gaelainn mhaith agat = You speak Irish well
Tá Gaelainn agam = I speak Irish (There is Irish at me/I have Irish)
Tá beagán agam = I speak a little
Níl mórán agam = I don't speak much (literally, isn't much at me)
Níl mórán Gaelainne agam = I don't speak much Irish
Cá bhfuil an tSráid Mhór? = Where is Main Street?
an tSráid Mhór = Main Street (literally, the big street)
cá bhfuil = where is
an Bóthar Ard = Ard Road (Literally, the high road)
Tá sé = It is
Tá sé anso. = It is here. (masculine)
Tá sí anso. = It is here. (feminine)
An bhfuil sí anso? = Is it here? (feminine)
Thall ansan = over there
Tá sé thall ansan. = It's over there. (masculine)
Níl sí anso. = It is not here. (feminine)
Níl an tSraid Mhór thall ansan. = Main Street is not over there.

Grammar notes:

--Ní hea = literally, that's not so.
--go raibh maith agat = literally, may there be goodness at you.
--an = the
--The words anso and ansan are often spelled and pronounced 'anseo' and 'ansin' outside of Munster. These are regional differences, and are not considered incorrect.
--Is (is ea, ní hea) is a verb used primarily for identification, classification, emphasis and to express ownership. (tánn, níl, anbhfuil) is used in all other 'is/are' sentences.

Lesson Five

Male: Gabh mo leithscéal. Cá bhfuil an tSráid Mhór, le do thoil?
Female: Tá sé anso.
Male: Agus cá bhfuil an Bóthar Ard?
Female: Tá sé thall ansan.
Male: Conas tánn tú?
Female: Mise, an ea? Ana-mhaith, go raibh maith agat.
Male: Slán.
Female: Slán.

Vocabulary list:

Individual words learned:
leat = for you (literally, with you)
ba = it would be
ar = would it be?
liom = for me (literally, with me)
slán = good-bye
Phrases learned:
Mise, an ea? = Me, is it? (Who, me?)
Tuigim Gaelainn go maith. = I understand Irish well.
Tá an tSráid Mhór anso. = Main Street is here.
Níl sí thall ansan. = It's not over there.
Níl an tSráid Mhór anso. = Main Street is not here.
Ach tá an Bóthar Ard anso. = But Ard Road (High Road) is here.
Cá bhfuil An tSráid Mhór, le do thoil? = Where is Main Street, please?
Níl a fhios agam. = I don't know. (Literally, there isn't knowledge at me.)
Tá a fhios agam. = I know. (Literally, there is knowledge at me.)
An tSráid Bheag = Small Street
Cá bhfuil an tSráid Bheag? = Where is Small Street?
An bhfuil a fhios agat? = Do you know?
Ba mhaith leat = You would like (literally, it would be well with you)
Ba mhaith leat rud éigin a ithe. = You would like something to eat
a ithe = to eat
rud éigin = something
Ar mhaith leat? = Would you like? (Would it be well for you?)
Ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ithe? = Would you like something to eat?
Ba mhaith. = Yes (Literally, it would be well.)
Ba mhaith liom. = I would like (Literally, it would be well with me.)
Ba mhaith, ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ithe. = Yes, I would like something to eat.
Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ól. = I would like something to drink.
a ól = to drink
Ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól? = Would you like something to drink?
Níor mhaith = No (Literally, it would not be well)
Ar mhaith leat ithe? = Would you like to eat?
Cár mhaith leat ithe? = Where would you like to eat?

grammar notes:

--'Níl' = 'is not' or 'there is not.' This is how to reply ÒnoÓ to a question starting with 'An bhfuil.'

Lesson Six

Male: Dia dhuit, a Nóra.
Female: Dia 's Muire dhuit, a Phádraig, conas tánn tú?
Male: Táim go maith, go raibh maith agat...ach, ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ithe...agus tusa?
Female: Mise leis, ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ithe.
Male: Agus rud éigin a ól?
Female: 'Sea, ba mhaith liom ól.
Male: Cár mhaith leat ól?
Female: An tSráid Bheag, le do thoil.
Male: Go maith!

Vocabulary list:

Individual words learned:
leis = also, too
ag = at
cinnte. = Certainly, of course
cathain = When?
anois = now
Phrases learned:
Níl an tSraid Bheag thall ansan. = Small Street is not over there.
Tá an tSraid Mhór thall ansan. = Main Street is over there.
Ach tá an tSraid Bheag anso. = But Small Street is here.
Tá an Bóthar Ard thall ansan. = Ard Road is over there.
Cén áit? = Where? (literally, which place)
Ag mo thighse. = At my place.
mo thighse = my house
Ag do thighse. = At your place.
Mise leis. = Me too.
Cinnte, ag do thighse. = Certainly, at your place.
Ba mhaith liom ithe, leis. = I would like to eat, too.
Cathain ar mhaith leat ithe? = When would you like to eat?
Ní anois = Not now.
Níos déanaí = later
Agus cathain ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól? = And when would you like something to drink?
Ní ag do thighse. = Not at your place.
Cathain ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól? = When would you like something to drink?
Ní hea, anois! = No, now! (literally, 'That's not so, now!')
Ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól ag mo thighse? = Would you like something to drink at my place?
Cinnte, ba mhaith liom. = Of course I'd like to.

Lesson Seven


Male: Gabh mo leithscéal.
Female: Cad é?
Male: Cad ar mhaith leat ithe, anois an ea?
Female: Ní hea, ní anois. Níos déanaí, le do thoil. Ach, ba mhaithliom rud éigin a ól anois.
Male: Cén áit?
Female: Níl a fhios agam.
Male: Ag mo thigse.
Female: Ceart go leor, go raibh maith agat.

Vocabulary List:

Individual words learned:
sa = in the
cad? = what?
fíon = wine
beoir = beer
an caife = the café
sa chaife = in the café
Phrases learned:
Cad é? = What is it?
Ceart go leor = Okay/all right.
Níl sé ceart go leor. = It is not okay.
Ba mhaith liom ithe anso. = I would like to eat here.
Sa bhialann. = In the restaurant.
Cad ba mhaith leat? = What would you like? ( i.e. What would you like to eat/drink?)
Ba mhaith liom fíon. = I would like wine.
Ar mhaith leat fíon? = Would you like wine?
Cár mhaith leat fíon a ól? = Where would you like to drink wine?
Ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól leis? = Would you like something to drink too?
Ar mhaith leat ithe anois? = Would you like to eat now?
Sa chaife liteartha = In the literary café.
Cá bhfuil an caife? = Where is the café?
Níor mhaith leat rud éigin a ól? = You wouldn't like something to drink?
Cár mhaith leat rud éigin a ithe? = Where would you like to something to eat?
Ar mhaith leat beoir? = Would you like beer?

Lesson Eight

Male: Ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ithe, a Nóra?
Female: Níor mhaith, go raibh maith agat, a Phádraig. Ní anois, ach,ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ól.
Male: Ceart go leor. Cad ba mhaith leat?
Female: Níl a fhios agam. Fíon...ní hea, beoir.
Male: Mise leis, ba mhaith liom beoir. Gabh mo leithscéal, dhá phiont, le do thoil.

Vocabulary list:

Individual words learned:
lón = lunch
dhá = two
= or
óstán = hotel
= whom
leatsa = with you

Phrases learned:
lón a ithe = to eat lunch
Ba mhaith liom lón a ithe. = I would like to eat lunch.
Cár mhaith leat lón a ithe? = Where would you like to eat lunch?
Sa bhialann, an ea? = In the restaurant, is it?
Ní hea, ag do thighse. = No, at your place.
Cathain ar mhaith leat rud éigin a ól? = When would you like something to drink?
Dhá phiont, le do thoil. = Two pints, please.
Ar mhaith leat beoir nó fíon? = Would you like beer or wine?
Ba mhaith liom fíon. Agus tusa? = I'd like wine. And you?
Fíon nó beoir? = Wine or beer?
Cad ba mhaith leat a dhéanamh? = What would you like to do?
a dhéanamh = to do
Ag do thighse, an ea? = At your place, is it?
Ag an óstán. = At the hotel.
Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a cheannach. = I would like to buy something.
a cheannach = to buy
Cé leis? = With whom? (Literally, whom also?)
Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a dhéanamh. = I would like to do something.
Rud éigin a cheannach, an ea? = To buy something, is it?
Ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ithe leatsa. = I would like something to eat with you.
Cad ba mhaith leat a dhéanamh anois? = What would you like to do now?
Tá sé ar Shráid an Dá Geata. = It's on the Street of Two Gates.
Ar mhaith leat beoir leis? = Would you like beer too?

In another thread about laddering, I mentioned that I was starting with Pimsleur Spanish (fortunately I have access to library copies, at least for the first two or three levels). I have now completed the first level on my daily commutes, 16 lessons in about 21 days....the first ten or so lessons twice a day, the latter six more like two days each. I did manage to listen to at least one lesson on Saturdays and Sundays. I believe that I am at Pimsleur's 80% target, may be a bit higher, so I plan to move on to Spanish II when the CDs arrive.
Pimsleur Italian TranscriptSpeakeasy had mentioned that there are some transcripts available, at least for the first level. Since these are 'unofficial', how might they be used? I do plan to start a different course in the near future (maybe 1/1/2018), probably a 1960s Linguaphone and/or a 'bird's eye grammar overview' text. However, I have to admit that more than a few times I have had the urge to visualize the spoken words in the Pimsleur course...
As an aside, my two recurring weaknesses are 1) Quickly recalling the correct verb before infinitives (can, go, do), and 2) using tienes instead of tengo about half the time (probably because I identify with the male speaker?)
Thank you,Pimsleur italian transcript request

Pimsleur Italian Transcript Form
